Redland RSS 1.0 Validator and Viewer

by Dave Beckett

RDF Resource Description Framework Powered

Enter the address of an RSS 1.0 feed into the following form and it will be validated and formatted for display.

RSS 1.0 content URI:  

Data Privacy: IP addresses and RSS 1.0 content URIs are logged and may be used for testing.

Public RSS 1.0 feeds

There are many public RSS 1.0 feeds, here are a sample of some that can be used with this validator.

Ben Hammersley (In a box) RDF
British Dental Journal (In a box) RDF
Cultivate Interactive (In a box) RDF
Debian Security Advisories (In a box) RDF
DevChannel News (In a box) RDF
Disobey Nonsense Network (In a box) RDF
Dublin Core News (In a box) RDF
Edd Dumbill: Behind the Times (In a box) RDF
Extensible Markup Language (XSL) at W3C (In a box) RDF
Google WebLog (In a box) RDF
Gratis kvalitetsdataspel (Norwegian) (In a box) RDF
hicksdesign journal (In a box) RDF
IBM News US (In a box) RDF
IETF recent RFCs (In a box) RDF
Lazyweb (In a box) RDF
Lessig Blog (In a box) RDF
LTSN Physical Sciences News (In a box) RDF
Meerkat (In a box) RDF
MKDoc news (In a box) RDF
Monkeyfist (In a box) RDF
Nature Journal (In a box) RDF
NTK (In a box) RDF
O'Reilly Network Articles (In a box) RDF
O'Reilly Network Weblogs (In a box) RDF
Planet Debian (In a box) RDF
Planet GNOME (In a box) RDF
PlanetRDF (In a box) RDF
RDF Interest Group IRC Scratchpad (In a box) RDF
RDF Resource Guide (In a box) RDF
Reuters Health (In a box) RDF
Slashcode (In a box) RDF
Slashdot articles (In a box) RDF
SWAD Europe Events (In a box) RDF
The Web KANZAKI (Japanese/English) (In a box) RDF
Tom Coates (In a box) RDF
UK Centre for Legal Education (LTSN) (In a box) RDF
W3C (via XSLT) (In a box) RDF
W3C Semantic Web News (In a box) RDF
XMLfr (In a box) RDF
XMLhack (In a box) RDF
Zvon news (In a box) RDF

(Want to use the RDF PNG Icon? Follow the previous link for terms of use.)

You can find other feeds in various places such as Bloglines, News Is Free and Syndic8 RSS aggregrators. You can make them yourself with online tools such as RSS-xpress which also has a list of RSS 1.0 feeds.

About the validator

This was written using Redland and the RDF::Redland::RSS Perl interface, interpreting the RSS 1.0 content as RDF using the Raptor RDF parser.

The source code of this demonstration is available in the Redland distribution as demos/ or from the Redland website